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Consultant Directory > Energy Consultants
Subcategories in "Energy":
Results 1 - 10 of 59 found in "Energy":
Economic policy consulting specializing in infrastructure industries
Eisenbach Consulting - Texas based energy management and consulting company. We utilize a competitive bid process in helping management secure a fixed commodity price for electricity.
An indepth analysis, news, reports, research, special features on energy sector, world lng, world power sector, renewable energy, china lng; world energy newsletter.
Oil Co-op unites heating oil consumers throughout the Bronx, Manhattan, Westchester and soon Connecticut to leverage their purchasing power for home heating oil. Offers free service contract coverage.
BMB Fuel Consulting Services provides a range of professional services designed to optimize operations driven by the consumption of fuel.
GridPoint provides renewable energy products and services for energy efficiency and intelligent energy management, fueling clean energy technologies with alternative energy and battery backup power.
wind capital group (wcg), Missouri develops wind energy in the Midwest, transforming wind to energy by providing a welcome boost to hard-working rural farm communities.
Ergo Exergy provides technology for Underground Coal Gasification (UCG) - a process using injection and production wells which enables coal to be converted into product gas for energy production.
Coalition dedicated to alleviating the current U.S. energy crisis.
Energy marketing consulting, including the procurement of natural gas, capacity management, asset management, risk management, scheduling and balancing, and alternate fuel analysis.
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